2020, issue 3, p. 5-13

Received 07.09.2020; Revised 21.09.2020; Accepted 23.10.2020

Published 27.10.2020; First Online 05.11.2020


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UDC 519.85

Optimization Problems of Document Processing Management

Yu.P. Laptin ,   T.O. Bardadym *,   A.V. Lefterov

V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

* Correspondence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Introduction. The use of various cloud services is becoming an integral part of modern life. At the same time, the owners of such services usually are not going to inform users with the theoretical foundations of the deployment and provision of these services, as well as with issues of security. On the other hand, as the above literature review shows, researchers often limit themselves to describing certain aspects of cloud technologies. The introduction of optimization approaches will contribute to both the development of the capabilities of providers and the rational use of resources by end users.

The purpose of the article is to offer possible formulations of optimization problems that arise in the process of document management as in traditional or in cloud environment.

Results. Three types of optimization problems arising in document management using cloud technologies are considered. The first is the problem of minimization of losses and expenses for ensuring the functioning of an information system, considered from the point of view of a user of cloud services. The services required by users that are provided by cloud technology providers are considered as resources consumed by users of cloud technology.

The second problem is the two-level problem of creating new services. It is believed that the provider already has certain services that relate to the basic second (lower) level. They can be used both for direct provision to users, and for the formation of new services of the first (top) level, created at the request of users. Here the creation of new services requires additional expenses, and a provider has to minimize them. These expenses include costs of creating new top-level services, as well as costs of processing the necessary resources of the lower level by means of a new top-level service.

In the third problem it is suggested possible formulations of optimization workflow problems that can be used both in traditional conditions and using cloud technologies.

Conclusions. Created formulations of mathematical models can be used to improve document management, in particular to minimize costs in the relationships between the user of cloud technologies and the provider of relevant services. It is recommended to use modern software tools to solve the correspondent optimization problems.


Keywords: document management, cloud technology, optimization problem.


Cite as: Laptin Yu.P., Bardadym T.O., Lefterov A.V. Optimization Problems of Document Processing Management. Cybernetics and Computer Technologies. 2020. 3. P. 5–13. (in Ukrainian) https://doi.org/10.34229/2707-451X.20.3.1



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