For authors


Submit a paper:

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

template and design guide: *.doc; *.pdf

example (in English): *.doc; *.pdf

guide for References *.doc; *.pdf

contract with authors   Contract

license agreement   License


General terms and ethical principles

Journal sections

Scientific content

Article structure, example, template

Submission, reviewing, publication

Contract with authors, processing charge

The copyright and license agreement


General terms and ethical principles

By submitting a manuscript for publication in the scientific journal "Cybernetics and Computer Technologies" the authors:

- confirm that the work presented in the paper is new, original and that it has not been published before or submitted for publication elsewhere;

- confirm that each authors made a significant contribution to the work and results described in the paper;

- confirm their authorship and copyright, agree with their contributions to the paper, confirm that publication of the paper does not violate the rights of third parties;

- agree with terms of the "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International" license which allows anyone to be free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, indicating the authorship, without using the material for commercial purposes, distributing contributions under the same license as the original;

- agree with processing of their personal data required for editing and publication of the article.


Journal sections

The journal consists of the following thematic sections:

- Mathematical Control Theory;

- Optimization Methods and Extremal Problems;

- Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods;

- Optimization of Computations and Computational Experiments;

- Information Technology: Theory and Tools;

- Real-Time Systems, Big Data Processing;

- Computer Systems: Theory and Applications.


Scientific content

Scientific paper should contain the following basic elements:

- general formulation of the problem;

- analysis of the recent studies and publications;

- unresolved parts of the general problem considered in the paper;

- the dominant bulk of the paper and the main results;

- the conclusions derived from the results and directions for further studies.


Article structure, example, template

Authors are not required to strictly follow all formats in the design of the article. The article will be formatted by editors. The main thing is the presence of all information blocks in the article file.

A manuscript template with detailed description of design is here: template.doctemplate.pdf.

The example of an English article is here: example.doc, example.pdf.

The style of references should be like Vancouver 2022. Examples and rules are here.

A structure and a content of the manuscript should meet the requirements for scientific article. Authors should provide information about themselves: the name of the authors (surname, name), scientific degree, position or profession, affiliation (name and location).

Authors must provide their ORCID codes (if any).

According to the requirements, if the manuscript is not in English then it should be supplemented by extended English annotation. If the manuscript is not in Ukrainian then it should be supplemented by extended Ukrainian annotation. Each extended annotation must contain at least 1800 characters, including keywords. If the authors of English paper cannot prepare extended annotation in Ukrainian then English extended annotation will be translated into Ukrainian.

An extended English annotation or a paper in English may contain Mathematics Subject Classification code or other international classifiers. Papers and extended annotations in Ukrainian should contain UDC code.

Extended annotations (English and Ukrainian) are required for the journal's website.

For analysis of recent researches and publications it is recommended to use at least 10 references. In case the reference has the DOI it should be indicated and should work as hyperlink. You can use the CrossRef service to find DOI indexes. If there is no DOI for some reference, authors may specify other URLs, for example, Google Scholar, MathSciNet, zbMATH or other Internet address for viewing (downloading) referenced article.

If the reference list contains references written in Cyrillic, then the references list must be duplicated in English. References listed in English will be posted on the English page of the journal's website. Examples and rules are here.

The recommended length of a manuscript together with extended annotations and authors information is between 6 and 20 pages.

A manuscript should be prepared in Word Documents (*.doc, *.docx, *.rtf) format, formulas should be typed by MathType or Equation Tools. The *.doc file should not contain Macros. Graphs, charts, figures can be colored.

The following information should be provided at the end of the article:

- authorship contribution statement;

- data availability statement for repeating and checking the results of the authors' calculations;

- statements from the authors about the sources of funding for the research presented in the article or the creation of a scientific article.


Submission, reviewing, publication

The manuscript should be sent by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The corresponding author name and telephone number should be indicated.

If the manuscript does not meet the requirements for scientific article, then the authors should correct it and submit once more.

If the manuscript is prepared appropriately, then the date of e-mail is fixed as "Received".

Then the manuscript is sent to reviewer within one week. The reviewer is selected by the editorial board in accordance with the scientific direction of the paper.

The reviewer's report, without specifying his name, is forwarded to the corresponding author.

If reviewer does not reject the manuscript, then the authors resubmit revised version of the manuscript, corrected according to the reviewer's remarks. Authors should explain every correction and give comments to reviewer's remarks left without correction. Corrected manuscript and the authors comments are sent to the reviewer.

If reviewer does not provide additional comments, then the manuscript is considered on the next meeting of the Editorial Board for acceptance for publication. If the reviewer still has significant remarks, the authors are notified about this as described above and must correct the manuscript once again and (or) give response to the comments.

The final decision on acceptance of the manuscript for publication or its rejection is made by the Editorial Board on basis of conclusion of the reviewer.

If the paper is accepted for publication, the date of the editorial board decision is fixed as "Accepted".

The accepted paper is included in the editorial portfolio and is prepared for printing on the first serve basis. During preparation of the article the authors should agree the text of the paper and its design with the language and technical editors.

The rejected paper cannot be considered once more for a year.


Contract with authors, processing charge

Once the paper is accepted by Editorial Board the authors have to sign a Contract with the Institute of Cybernetics for preparing and publication of the article.

The publication fee is about 60 UAH (near 2 USD) per page and may vary depending on the total number of pages in the issue and other factors. Additionally, the authors should pay 60 UAH (near 2 USD) for assignment the DOI for the article.

The paper cannot be published without signing the contract and payments.


The copyright and license agreement

The authors should sign the License Agreement to publish the article. Under the License Agreement authors grant the Institute of Cybernetics non-exclusive publishing rights to publish and distribute the article as printed production and materials on the CCTECH website. The Institute of Cybernetics allows the authors to retain the copyright without restrictions.






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V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine,

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.