Editorial Policy


Aim and tasks


Ethical principles


Open access


Aim and tasks

The aim of the journal "Cybernetics and Computer Technologies" is to integrate Ukrainian science into the world scientific community.

The tasks of the journal are:

-     to inform the scientific community and potential users about the latest achievements in cybernetics and about their application through computer technology;

-     to hold wide scientific discussion about the new results in cybernetics;

-     to involve young scientists into international exchange of scientific results and to expand scientific contacts.



The journal publishes articles containing original theoretical and applied results in the fields of mathematical methods of control and decision-making, computational mathematics methods and mathematical modeling, information technology, computer systems and technologies.

In more detail the scope of the journal looks as follows:

-     mathematical tools for study of extremal problems: applied nonlinear analysis, convex structures, multivalued mappings;

-     mathematical control theory, decision-making under conflict and uncertainty;

-     optimization methods for discrete, convex, stochastic, non-differentiable problems;

-     computational mathematics and mathematical modeling;

-     mathematical modeling and information technologies in applied problems of biology, medicine, economics and other fields;

-     intelligent information technologies, methods and tools of artificial intelligence;

-     optimization of calculations, high performance computing;

-     real-time systems, big data processing;

-     theory and practice of information systems building, information networks and computer systems for various purposes.

-     specialized and problem-oriented computer tools.

The categories of readers are postgraduate students, scientists and specialists in the corresponding fields of knowledge.


Ethical principles

The Editorial Board of the journal "Cybernetics and Computer technologies" follows the basic principles of publication declared by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The Editorial Board makes decision on acceptance of a manuscript for publication on the basis of scientific importance of presented materials.

The Editorial Board guarantees consideration of all materials without prejudgment, regardless of ethnicity, nationality and place of work of the authors.

Materials that have not been published cannot be used by the members of the Editorial Board or passed to third parties.

Authors should sign a License Agreement to clarify their authorship, contribution and intellectual property, as well as the absence of a conflict of interest.

In case of a conflict the Editorial Board shall take steps to restore the violated rights of the parties.

An article may be removed from the site of the journal "Cybernetics and Computer Technologies" in the case of disclosure of significant errors, if reasonable complaints are received, if terms of publication or rights of third parties are violated.

Submitted manuscripts should not be previously published or accepted for publication in other journals.

Submitted manuscripts are subject for independent reviewing. Peer review is carried out by independent reviewers and members of the Editorial Board.

The final decision whether or not to publish an article is made by the Editorial Board taking into account the opinion of reviewers.



The journal does not publish articles if there are strong grounds for plagiarism or self-plagiarism.


Open access

The journal is an open access media, that is, all published materials are free available on the public Internet according to the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).






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V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine,

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.