2020, issue 4, p. 87-99
Received 12.11.2020; Revised 16.12.2020; Accepted 17.12.2020
Published 31.12.2020; First Online 22.01.2021
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To Integrated Management and Financial Coverage for Health Care Infrastructure of Zaporizhchyna Districts
Gorbachuk * ,
Serge Garvilenko, Gennady Golotsukov, Maxym Dunaievskyi, Dmytro Nikolenko
V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
* Correspondence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Introduction. Health care is characterized by the fact that it belongs to the major state functions and the main kinds of economic activity at the same time, as well as the fact that in contemporary conditions it provides dual-use products – use for both conventional and defense against the latest biothreats. In the course of reforming this state function in Ukraine, the main financing is provided through the National Health Service of Ukraine, where management changes relatively frequently.
The purpose. Protection against biohazards, health care, health insurance requires systemic resilience and integrated management based on modern information and communication technologies. Such technologies for social insurance have been successfully developed and implemented by the V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Results. A specific example of Zaporizhia region shows which health facilities are without proper government support and how to anticipate and manage distributed networks on big data. In all the above issues of protection against biohazards, health care, health insurance, government institutions cannot make rational decisions without comprehensive and accurate assessment of future gains (and losses) caused by the implementation of a particular project, as well as a comparison of such gains with the present value of costs associated with this project. It is important for decision makers to measure gains and costs in the same units applying the known principle «Who canʼt measure cannot manage». Since project costs are usually measured in monetary terms, it makes sense to measure all gains in monetary terms as well. Different approaches to economic assessment of health status compare the benefits from a medical intervention with the costs of that intervention.
Conclusions. Gains from medical intervention can be measured in physical units on a one-dimensional scale, monetary units, units of cardinal utility function, reflecting the multidimensional concept of health via the scalar index or key performance indicator. Nowadays multiple dimensions mentioned are gradually developing into big data for each node and link of the health care grid.
Keywords: biothreats, system resilience, social insurance, health insurance, big data, distributed networks.
Cite as: Gorbachuk V., Garvilenko S., Golotsukov G., Dunaievskyi M., Nikolenko D. To Integrated Management and Financial Coverage for Health Care Infrastructure of Zaporizhchyna Districts. Cybernetics and Computer Technologies. 2020. 4. P. 87–99. (in Ukrainian) https://doi.org/10.34229/2707-451X.20.4.6
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ISSN 2707-451X (Online)
ISSN 2707-4501 (Print)
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