2023, issue 4, p. 5-7
Received 24.11.2023; Revised 27.11.2023; Accepted 28.11.2023
Published 04.12.2023; First Online 05.12.2023
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Presentation of the Book "Viktor Glushkov – Creator of New Worlds"
V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Correspondence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The impression of the author on participation in the presentation of the book “Victor Glushkov – creator of the new worlds” is described in the message. The book is issued by publishing house “Summit-book” for 100th anniversary of the birth of academician V. Glushkov. The presentation is held on 15th of November 2023 in the National Library named after Yaroslav the Wise. The author of the book, the editors of the publishing house and their numeral guests shared the memories about the prominent scientist, remembered his creative achievements in cybernetics, and analyzed the impact of Glushkov’s ideas on the modern directions of information technologies development and digitalization of economic, social, educational and defense activities in the country. The purpose of the message is to familiarize the readers of the journal with new book about outstanding personality, the founder of information technologies in Ukraine, the genius, who by far outranged his time.
The author of the book narrated in the interesting, accessible and delighted way about the complex inventions and works in the field of IT technologies. This became the deserving contribution in popularization not only the scientific legacy of Viktor Glushkov, but the modern works of his successors in cybernetics and IT technologies as well.
Publication of the book became possible thanks to the program of the Ukrainian Institute of Book with the funds of the Ministry of Culture and Information policy of Ukraine. Just similar programs give the opportunity to make popular the information about the prominent personalities, who’s activity determined the establishment and the development of scientific ideas of world level.
Keywords: Viktor Glushkov, cybernetics, Institute of Cybernetics, information technology.
Cite as: Karpets E. Presentation of the Book "Viktor Glushkov – Creator of New Worlds". Cybernetics and Computer Technologies. 2023. 4. P. 5–7. (in Ukrainian) https://doi.org/10.34229/2707-451X.23.4.1
1. 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF V.M.GLUSHKOV. https://www.incyb.kiev.ua/en/100-glushkov (accessed: 20.11.2023)
2. There was a presentation of the book "VIKTOR GLUSHKOV. Creator of new worlds" (author Yulia Berezhko-Kaminska). (in Ukrainian) https://sbook.com.ua/uk/news/624_vidbylacia-prezentacia-knygy-victor-hluchkov-tvoretch-novih-svitiv-julia-berezhko-kaminska (accessed: 20.11.2023)
3. Small stories about great scientists. Jubilee collection edited by B.M. Malinovsky. K: Gorobets Publishing House, 2022. 400 p. (in Ukrainian) http://www.icfcst.kiev.ua/MUSEUM/DIFFERENT/ShortStories_u.html
4. Malinovsky B.M. Essays on the history of computer science and technology in Ukraine. Kyiv: "Fenix", 1998. 290 p. (in Ukrainian) http://www.icfcst.kiev.ua/MUSEUM/TXT/MalinovskyEssays_ukr.pdf
5. V.M. Glushkov. The past that flows into the future. To the scientist's 90th birthday. / edited by: T.P. Maryanovych. Kyiv: Akademperiodika, 2013. 290 p. (in Ukrainian) http://www.icfcst.kiev.ua/MUSEUM/GL_HALL2/Gl_Maryanovich_u.html
6. Sergienko I.V. Scientific ideas of V.M. Gushkov and the development of current trends in informatics. K: Nauk. dumka, 2013. 287 p. (in Ukrainian)
7. Petruk V.I. V.M. Glushkov and Kyiv University. Kyiv: "Kyiv University", 2013. 200 p. (in Ukrainian)
8. Mishchenko N.M. Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences: it all started in Feofania ... (1956–1958). Memories, part 1. (in Ukrainian) https://cyberua.info/novyny/ik-nanu-vse-pochynalosja-u-feofaniji-spohady-ch1-nadija-mishchenko/ (accessed: 20.11.2023)
9. Virtual museum "History of the development of information technologies in Ukraine". http://www.icfcst.kiev.ua/MUSEUM/museum-map.html (accessed: 20.11.2023)
ISSN 2707-451X (Online)
ISSN 2707-4501 (Print)
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