2020, issue 1, p. 62-73

Received 21.02.2020; Revised 29.02.2020; Accepted 10.03.2020

Published 31.03.2020; First Online 26.04.2020


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UDC 535.016


T.S. Lebyedyeva 1 *,   Y.D. Minov 1,   P.G. Sutkovyi 1,   Y.O. Frolov 1,   P.B. Shpylovyy 1,   M.F. Starodub 2

1 V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, Kyiv, Ukraine

2 National University of Life Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

* Correspondence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Introduction. The purpose of the SPR sensor is to quickly and accurately determine the refractive index of the environment with the ability to diagnose the presence of a specific substance. SPR devices and biosensor diagnostic methods for laboratory diagnostics in medicine, veterinary medicine, determination of environmental pollution, for food quality control are being developed. The work is devoted to the development of devices based on the surface plasmon resonance of the “Plasmontest” series, which can be used for refractometric and biosensor applications.

The purpose of the paper is to present the development of “Plasmontest” series devices that can be used for laboratory applications, as portable field-research devices and to carry out a comparison of optical circuits of SPR devices, their capabilities and operational characteristics during biochemical and physical experiment.

Results. Specific features of the design of devices "Plasmontest" with discrete and aperture optical circuits are outlined. The method of approximation of the resonant SPR curve is proposed to accurately find the value of the resonance minimum. Procedures for normalizing and calibration of devices with aperture optical circuit in single-channel and dual-channel design are developed to improve measurement accuracy. Some features of the developed software for “Plasmontest” series devices are presented. Applications of "Plasmontest" devices for the refractometry and the development of thin-film technological processes as well as for creating the methods of immunosensory detection of a number of bacteria and toxins are described.

Conclusions. The work on the creation of “Plasmontest” series devices showed the possibility for creating portable SPR devices and for refractometric, thin film and biosensor studies. It is shown that devices with aperture optical circuitry are the most promising in terms of compactness, reliability and low cost.


Keywords: surface plasmon resonance, sensor, refractometer, biosensor.


Cite as: Lebyedyeva T.S., Minov Y.D., Sutkovyi P.G., Frolov Y.O., Shpylovyy P.B., Starodub M.F. Development and Application of Devices Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance. Cybernetics and Computer Technologies. 2020. 1. 62–73. https://doi.org/10.34229/2707-451X.20.1.7



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ISSN 2707-451X (Online)

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