2023, issue 1, p. 58-73
Received 13.03.2023; Revised 09.04.2023; Accepted 25.04.2023
Published 28.04.2023; First Online 23.05.2023
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UDC 681.7.08:535.3; 004.387:621.3.087.92
Wireless Networks of Smart Multisensors and Biosensor Devices for Express Diagnostics of the State of Grape and Fruit-Berry Crops and Quality Control of Winemaking Products
Volodymyr Romanov , Igor Galelyuka
, Oleksandr Voronenko
, Oleksandra Kovyrova
, Hanna Antonova *
Anna Kedych
V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
* Correspondence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The application of information and wireless technologies, multisensor and biosensor devices, as well as sensor networks based on them to control the parameters of technological processes in different industries makes it possible to greatly improve the quality of final products and reduce losses of raw materials at all stages of production and storage. This covers both the industrial production of consumer goods and the food and processing industry.
The article describes the developing and testing of network of wireless smart biosensor devices for food industry, namely for controlling the quality of wine, wine materials and food products in the production process.
It is considered the technological process of production of wine materials and wine, as well as parameters that are subject of controlling. The requirements for smart multisensor devices, which are reasonable to use in such technological productions, are formulated. Measuring nodes are built on the basis of amperometric sensors and wireless data transmission units. Structural, functional and principle schemas of measuring devices were developed. The design documentation was created for their production at contract manufactures.
The integration of wireless data transmission units into measuring nodes made it possible to build wireless sensor networks based on them. Several structures of wireless networks were developed on the base of wireless nodes with different functionality and with using of different wireless data transmission protocols. Hardware and software for wireless network nodes were developed.
It was fulfilled the testing of the multisensor measuring node in autonomous mode, as well as the whole network consisting of several wireless nodes. The test results showed both the weaknesses of the developed devices, which should be eliminated in further researches, and the reasonability of using smart multisensor devices and networks based on them to control the quality of wine materials and wine at different stages of their production and storage.
The work was performed with the support and within the Complex program of scientific research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "Smart" sensor devices of the new generation based on modern materials and technologies."
Keywords: biosensors, amperometric transducers, smart multisensors, wireless sensor network, wine and food quality control.
Cite as: Romanov V., Galelyuka I., Voronenko O., Kovyrova O., Antonova H., Kedych . Wireless Networks of Smart Multisensors and Biosensor Devices for Express Diagnostics of the State of Grape and Fruit-Berry Crops and Quality Control of Winemaking Products. Cybernetics and Computer Technologies. 2023. 1. P. 58–73. (in Ukrainian) https://doi.org/10.34229/2707-451X.23.1.6
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ISSN 2707-451X (Online)
ISSN 2707-4501 (Print)
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