2023, issue 3, p. 69-80

Received 08.09.2023; Revised 19.09.2023; Accepted 26.09.2023

Published 29.09.2023; First Online 19.10.2023


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UDC 004.8:519.7

Review and Analysis of the Development of Artificial Neural Networks

Oleksandr Bilokon ORCID ID favicon Big

V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Correspondence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Introduction. The creation of intelligent cyber-physical systems is impossible without knowledge of the analysis and process of development of scientific thought regarding artificial neural networks. The main task of this article is research and analysis of the concept of intelligent technologies based on artificial neural networks. Knowledge of the peculiarities of the creation, formation, and development of knowledge about artificial neural networks is of particular importance for scientists, developers, and design engineers. The article consists of the following parts: first, different approaches to the problem of building artificial functions of the brain are highlighted, the views of which are, in turn, divided into monotypic and genotypic models. The next part is the analysis of the development of artificial intelligence systems, some facts of the process of the development of the artificial intelligence system are also introduced and the peculiarities of scientific opinion on the issues of artificial neural networks are clarified. Various concepts and views are considered, with the help of which it is possible to reproduce the calculation process for a more detailed analysis and synthesis of algorithms of intelligent systems. In the part about the state of the theory, attention is focused on the fact that researchers who could not get accurate analytical answers add to the scientific toolkit methods of experimental modeling either on digital machines or on mechanical models. In addition, it is noted that the model is not the result of research, but only a starting point for analyzing its behavior. In the part of artificial neural networks, the author touches on the following concepts: the logic of McCulloch and Pitts calculations in neural networks, the problems of assigning confidence coefficients, the principle of self-organization, which were first illustrated with the help of computer simulations, the principle of competitive learning, the Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps, multilayer networks of direct propagation taking into account the radial basis functions, which became an alternative to the multilayer perceptron, the support vector machine. As conclusions and as a result, the author receives a complete picture of the genesis of intelligent systems and the technology of artificial neural networks. The processes of development of scientific thought give a clear understanding of the features of intellectual technologies built with the help of artificial neural networks, features of functioning and calculation.


Keywords: artificial neural networks, perceptron, theories of McCulloch-Pitts, intelligent computer systems, cyber-physical agent, mobile robot, robotics.


Cite as: Bilokon O. Review and Analysis of the Development of Artificial Neural Networks. Cybernetics and Computer Technologies. 2023. 3. P. 68–80. (in Ukrainian) https://doi.org/10.34229/2707-451X.23.3.6



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