2022, issue 4, p. 82-92
Received 21.11.2022; Revised 06.12.2022; Accepted 20.12.2022
Published 29.12.2022; First Online 28.02.2023
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Application of the UNDBE Model in Combination with the RALG Method to Solve the Problem of Radioecology of Water Bodies
Tamara Bielyh 1, Vladimir Sizonenko *
1 V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
* Correspondence: jasizyj@yahoo.com
Introduction. The presence of radioactive pollution releases into the aquatic environment of NPPs operating in the normal mode, as well as during various emergency situations, requires the use of means for predicting the impact of such releases on the condition of surface water bodies. The existing developments either do not have a sufficient accuracy or are complicated and require a large amount of initial data and knowledge of the exact values of the parameters of the running processes.
To ensure accuracy of forecasting pollutants spreading in surface water under conditions of limited measuring and computing facilities a box model (UNDBE) of pollution transfer was developed taking into account the time of pollution transportation through the water body and dilution of pollution in the incomplete box volume. The method of model adjustment according to measurement data has been developed, which additionally improves forecasting accuracy. This was made possible due to the short implementation time of the proposed model on a computer and the use of parametric identification using the RALG program.
Purpose of work. Presentation of the general description of the developed model. Demonstration of modeling possibilities and parametrical identification by means of the offered model in combination with program means of search of extremum of not differentiable function.
Results. In addition to a general description of the developed model, a modification for modeling tritium and strontium-90 propagation is given. The results of modeling and parametric identification are shown on examples of tritium distribution in the Loire river basin and strontium-90 in the Kiev reservoir.
Conclusions. Application of UNDBE model in combination with RALG procedure provides fast calculation at preservation of modeling accuracy, possibility of fast and exact adjustment for the concrete water object that makes possible its application as an emergency response system. There is a possibility to apply the outlined approach for modeling the transport of other types of pollutants in surface water bodies.
Keywords: pollution transport, surface water bodies, UNDBE box model, parametric identification, RALG experience.
Cite as: Bielyh T., Sizonenko V. Application of the UNDBE Model in Combination with the RALG Method to Solve the Problem of Radioecology of Water Bodies. Cybernetics and Computer Technologies. 2022. 4. P. 82–92. (in Ukrainian) https://doi.org/10.34229/2707-451X.22.4.6
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ISSN 2707-451X (Online)
ISSN 2707-4501 (Print)
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